MGA’s New California Facility Conducting Official Testing for Local Customers
Jul 7, 2022

MGA’s new facility in Hughson, CA is officially accredited to ISO 17025 through A2LA (Cert # 0850.06). As of June, 2022 the laboratory is accredited with a variety of test specifications on the scope. With this accreditation, MGA is now conducting official testing for our local customers! Phase One capabilities on this scope are listed below.
- FMVSS 201 & 202a
- Power & Pneumatic Lifecycle Durability
- Dimensional Measurements & Stability
- Pyroshock
Along with this equipment and capability, the onsite staff consists of local associates and tenured MGA Engineers that permanently relocated to this facility to conduct these tests. This team will continue to grow along with additional capabilities over time.
At this point, we are now moving into Phase Two which is planned to be completed by the end of this year. Phase Two Capabilities are listed below.
- Materials Lab
- Accelerator Sled
- Custom Quasi-Static Capability
- Environmental Chambers

Future capabilities include full vehicle crash and additional FMVSS standards. With 80,000 square feet of existing facility, there is ample room to continue bringing additional capabilities to the west coast.

Ready to Get Started?
Let's discuss your testing needs and how MGA can help. Our team is ready to provide the expertise and solutions you're looking for.