Mine Blast Simulation
Jun 3, 2019

MGA is proud to offer test equipment manufactured to simulate a variety of mine blast scenarios. Through the use of these devices, vehicle manufacturers are able to evaluate and improve designs that help reduce the risk of injury and death to our armed forces.

In the unfortunate event of a vehicle triggering an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), the shock wave will travel upwards into the vehicle’s hull, contacting the floor before continuing throughout the entire vehicle. MGA’s leg impactor is devoted to testing vehicle floors and energy absorbing (EA) floor mats. The purpose of EA floor mats are to reduce the likelihood of lower extremity injury and dismemberment in such an event.
Leg Impactor
(Localized Event Simulation)
- Capable of 28m/s
- Capacity to test vehicle floor sections
- Stroke distance and velocity are adjustable to replicate various requirements
- 360° camera view capability
- Injury response data from lower & upper tibias, femurs, and tibia & foot accelerometers
Shock waves are not limited to the lower portions of the vehicle, they are global events that affect everything within the blast radius. If the explosion is large enough, it will propel the vehicle into the air. To simulate this type of event, a drop tower is utilized. The drop tower has the ability to test complete EA vehicle seating systems whether they are floor, wall or ceiling mounted.
After the initial event which lifts the vehicle off the ground, there will always be a secondary event as the vehicle returns to the Earth’s surface. Additionally, the drop tower is easily tune-able to accommodate this lesser event.

Drop Tower
(Global Event Simulation)
- Universal carriage mounting platform
- Quickly tunable for a wide variety of velocities and pulse durations
- Injury response data from, head, chest, and pelvis accelerometers as well as lower & upper tibia, lumbar and neck load cells.
In addition to component level test equipment, MGA also designs and manufactures ATD response equipment for specialized mine blast ATDs. The Warrior Injury Assessment Manikin (WIAman) was developed by the U.S. Army as the first test dummy designed specifically for vertical loading in under-body blast (UBB) scenarios, like the ones soldiers may experience in combat from IEDs.

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