
Pyroshock (also known as pyrotechnic shock) is the decaying, oscillatory response of a structure to high amplitude and high frequency mechanical excitation. The frequencies that comprise this oscillatory response can extend to thousands of Hertz and beyond; these are a subset of the resonant frequencies of the structure.  MGA began pyroshock simulation testing over 15 years ago.  Since that time, we have developed, and are continuing to develop, new test systems and methods to better serve the industries that require this testing.  We have performed pyroshock testing on components that are included on numerous launch vehicles, Mars rovers, and various satellites.

MGA’s systems offer the industry:

  • High, unmatched repeatability
  • Decreased setup and tuning time; testing performed in days as opposed to weeks
  • Data acquisition compliant to MIL-STD-810G, Method 517.1 and ISO 18431-4
  • Tuning from 10 to 20,000 Hz
  • Capability up to 100,000g in higher frequencies
  • Data collect rate of up to 200 kHz


The vibration levels that are present during a launch or in flight can adversely affect the intricate systems designed for space vehicles.  Whether the components are large or small, we have multiple ED vibration shakers in our facilities to accommodate this testing.  We can accommodate test articles with explosive components or that require high pressures present during testing.  We have developed steel-reinforced safety chambers around some of our systems to ensure the safety of personnel.

Notable attributes of our vibration capabilities include:

  • Capability up to 44,000 lbf shock force
  • Capability up to 20,000 lbf sine and random force
  • Acceleration up to 130 GRMS
  • Combination of test articles and fixtures up to 2,000 lbs can be supported
  • Peak-to-peak displacements up to3 inches